peter huebner micro music laboratories |
M E D I C A L R E S O N A N C E T H E R A P Y M U S I C® |
R E D U C T I O N O F P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L M A N I F E S T A T I O N S O F S T R E S S |
Scientific Studies and Clinical Observations
- Improvement of the psychosomatic state of children suffering from radiation sickness: prior to the treatment 59.1% of the children displayed great personal unrest, they felt great strain and had grave worries about the possibility of an unsuccessful outcome of the treatment of their illnesses.
Likely complications and side-effects arising from the various forms of treatment produced nervous reactions in them.
After the treatment a significant dispersion of tension, a great reduction in fear about the possibility of an unsuccessful outcome of the treatment of the illness, the decrease in worry and inhibitions and the decrease in nervous reactions was evident in all children.
The percentage of children experiencing a high level of personal unrest fell from 59.1% to 22.7%.
- Reinforcement of positive values in children suffering from radiation sickness: the children experienced a significant reduction or dispersion of their fears and worries and a significant fall in the level of personal unrest. In 40% of them the effects went far beyond this and generated a growing feeling of joy, growing satisfaction and inner well-being, a deep feeling of restfulness after listening to the music and an increase in their creative powers through which the course of the somatic illness also became better
- Improvement in functions of the infantile hearing organ in 57% of a group of children suffering from radiation sickness with hearing abnormalities
- Stimulation of insufficient beta-endorphin values in patients suffering from severe radiation sickness: hormone production was increasingly stimulated in each musical treatment and during the tenth application of the music the level of this hormone rose by 60% to reach its normal level
- Activation of antioxidant processes in patients suffering from severe radiation sickness: regression of spontaneous chemoluminosity (70%) and the malonic aldehyde levels, with a simultaneous rise in the erythrocyte resistance to peroxide of 52% and a harmonization of the amplitudinal characteristics of the electrical potentials of the skin
- Reduction in sleeping disorders in patients suffering from severe radiation sickness: where the frequency of the patients sleeping disorders was an average of 95% before the treatment, it fell after 10 days treatment to an average of 17%
- Normalization of the immunogram after two weeks in 25% of a group of children suffering from radiation sickness
- Reduction in the frequency of headaches in patients suffering from severe radiation sickness: prior to the treatment the frequency of headaches stood at an average of 95%, after 10 days application this had fallen to an average of 12%
If you want to look at the studies in detail, please visit: