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The Joy-Giving Process of Creativity
Now the music from outside is no longer relevant to the listener, and it is of no significance to him whether it continues to sound or not. Whether the musicians eat or sleep or continue to play, has no longer any influence on the inner creative process of the creative music listener so enlivened in his self-consciousness. Very personally he focusses like a child playing on his own inner musical creative process, on the perfect joy-giving process of his inner creativity.
The Completely Enlivened Creative Listening to Music |
Now the listener is the sole ruler of his own realm his own universe; he creates and creates until he returns as if from a completely different, perfect world to the outer, limited world of the concert situation.
The Natural Desire of the Music Listener for Creative Stability |
Naturally he wants to stabilize this perfect experience in his own life even without a concert. And he looks for and finds undreamed-of possibilities.
Thus, the music has given the listener a taste of absolute human experience; it has demonstrated to him joyful ways of gaining knowledge, it made him experience the dimension of his own potential in its highest perfection, and has strengthened in him the clear desire to stabilize, in daily practice, all these marvellous experiences and to establish them in his dayly life.
Musical Stimulation of the Cosmic Evolution |
Now music has accomplished its holy task and has inspired the listener to systematically cultivate his own cosmic creativity.
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